Health and Safety Association New Zealand


Our Members

HASANZ Member Organisations

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HASANZ is an association of associations and welcomes new members. Full membership and associate membership options are available.

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HASANZ Full Member Organisations

Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau

Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau is the professional association for engineers in New Zealand. We are committed to growing the credibility, connections, recognition and influence of our members and the engineering profession.

 Our 22,000 members span all engineering disciplines, and include professional engineers, technicians, engineering technologists and students. Engineering NZ has 17 local branches around the country (and one in the UK), along with 34 technical groups devoted to specific areas of engineering practice (most of them with safety-critical functions). ENZ also acts as the Registration Authority for the Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) quality mark.

We believe that engineers and engineering are at the heart of all major transformations, and are excited to be a part of the important work done by HASANZ.

Joe Bain
[email protected]

Faculty of Asbestos Management of Australia & New Zealand Limited (FAMANZ)

FAMANZ is a professional body representing all people working in the asbestos industry across Australia and New Zealand.  Our aim is for all professionals in asbestos industry to work together to achieve better health outcomes for workers and the general public.

[email protected]

Hazardous Substances Professionals New Zealand (HSPNZ)

HSPNZ Does not list on the HASANZ Register.

We are an association of Compliance Certifiers who work side by side with organisations to provide qualified advice, training and certification on the safe importation, manufacture, transportation, storage, use and disposal of hazardous substances in New Zealand.

[email protected]

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of New Zealand (HFESNZ)

We are human-centred design professionals who help businesses achieve the best possible fit between the things people do, the things they use and the environments they work in. Ergonomists or human factors professionals make processes and products compatible with human abilities and limitations to minimise harm and improve productivity.

Joanne Crawford
[email protected]

Institute of Organisational Psychology (IOP)

Organisational psychologists are experts in human behaviour in the workplace, having extensively studied the brain, performance, learning, group behaviour, and the processes determining how people think, feel, behave and react, and the impact of these on organisational outcomes.

John Eatwell - Chair
[email protected]

New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM)

We are the largest membership body for Health and Safety Practitioners and Professionals in New Zealand. Our members are the first point of contact in your health and safety journey. We provide a wide range of technical and practical advice and assistance in the development, design and implementation of workplace health and safety management systems to reduce the risks to your business and all those affected by your operations.

Robyn Bennett
[email protected]

NZ Occupational Health Nurses Association (NZOHNA)

Occupational Health Nurses (OHNs) are Registered Nurses governed by the Nursing Council of New Zealand and guided by NZOHNA.  OHNs have the specialist qualifications, knowledge, skills and experience to provide PCBUs with comprehensive health services that focus on the prevention of work- and non-work-related injury, illness and disease. Occupational health services include pro-active health strategies which promote health, wellbeing, the identification of health risks and the reduction of potential workplace harm to workers.

Nikki Edge
[email protected]

NZ Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS)

Occupational Hygiene is the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control, and communication of health hazards (chemical, physical and biological) and their potential health risks in the workplace. The objective is to protect worker health and well-being by preventing ill-health in the long or short term.

Miriska Gerber
[email protected]

New Zealand Safety Council (NZSC)

We offer advice and information to businesses on general health and safety matters through a network of Registered Safety Professionals. Our services include auditing workplaces on all aspects of safety. We identify what precautions need to be put in place to reduce industrial injuries and accidents and refer you to the experts you need to address any issues we find.

Karyn Beattie
[email protected]

Occupational Therapy New Zealand Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa (OTNZ - WNA)

We use our knowledge of health, universal design, task analysis and human behaviour to help businesses create healthy workplaces that meet WorkSafe NZ standards and ensure that staff work safely. We also assist with people's safe return to work after injury, illness or disability.

Pam Mitchell
[email protected]

Physiotherapy New Zealand (Occupational Health Physiotherapy Group) (PNZ)

An Occupational Health Physiotherapist has knowledge and expertise in human movement and task analysis to assess physical load a worker may be exposed to.  The Physiotherapist can optimise worker health, maximise function and enhance wellbeing in any industry. 

Assessments may direct injury prevention or support the injured worker and their employer to collaboratively manage the rehabilitation process.

Matthieu Wilson
[email protected]

The Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)

AFOEM doctors specialize in medicine related to the effects of work on health, and health on work. Preventing and assessing illnesses and risk from a range of work place exposures physical and psycho social hazards. Treating and rehabilitating people to return to work.

[email protected]


HASANZ Associate members

Australian/New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM)

We are doctors who specialise in diagnosing and treating health problems arising in the workplace. Other aspects of occupational medicine include providing advice on the prevention of injuries and disease, and assessing people's fitness for work and facilitating their return to work after injury or sickness.

Maartje Lyons
[email protected]

Human Resources New Zealand (HRNZ)

Human Resources New Zealand (HRNZ) is the professional body for human resources professionals. HRNZ is a not-for-profit membership organisation providing services and support for people who work in HR in New Zealand.

[email protected] 

Maintenance Engineering Society of New Zealand (MESNZ)

We are a non-profit society charged with informing, inspiring and representing maintenance engineers throughout industry. We can help your business by reducing your costs and increasing plant availability while protecting your property, people and processes.

[email protected]

NZ Institute of Hazardous Substances Management (NZIHSM)

We protect people and communities from the adverse effects of hazardous substances. This includes providing businesses with advice on the safe storage and use of hazardous substances in an environmentally acceptable way that meets legal requirements, and can provide professionals that can certify sites and staff to achieve this.

NZIHSM Secretary
[email protected]