Health and Safety Association New Zealand


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for health and safety professionals

  • Being listed on the HASANZ Register is like having a warrant of fitness to practise as a workplace health and safety professional. Businesses can be confident that people on the HASANZ Register have met the standard of competence required by their professional association.

  • It makes you more employable. Businesses are looking for workplace health and safety professionals with proven, relevant, knowledge and experience. 

    If you are a consultant, the Register is a tool to help people find you. If you are not on the HASANZ Register, you may miss out on business. 

    If you are an in-house employee, it's the pathway to promotion, winning contracts for your organisation and a better job. Increasingly, it's a prerequisite for health and safety roles.

  • The HASANZ Register is about demonstrating your skills and experience to the market and ensuring your good standing among your professional peers. Being on the Register also helps lift professional standards across the sector and increase demand for qualified workplace health and safety advisers who meet competency standards.  

  • It shows you've 'got the goods". Listing on the HASANZ Register is the bona fide way of demonstrating your value to your employer. It provides assurance that you meet stringent competency standards to practise as a health and safety adviser. It shows you've been through a rigorous process of being reviewed by your peers. 

    Being HASANZ registered is all about continued professional development and promoting yourself.

  • You earn the right to use the HASANZ Registered quality mark to distinguish yourself from your peers. It means your credentials have been independently verified. When you become HASANZ Registered you join a professional network of qualified health and safety advisers you can call on for support. 

  • Yes. Health and safety professionals listed on the Register will be able to use this “HASANZ Registered” quality mark on their business card, letterhead and promotional material to show they have the qualifications and authority to provide reliable advice to businesses.

  • No. Each workplace health and safety professional must be registered as an individual in their own right and meet the required standard of competence to be listed.

  • The HASANZ Registered quality mark can only be used by individual practitioners because the person, not the business, is registered. Sole practitioners who have met the required standard to be on the Register can use the HASANZ Registered quality mark in association with their business name.


  • You are able to apply online. However, you can only join the HASANZ Register if you belong to a professional association that is a Full Member of HASANZ. To be eligible to list on the Register you will have to meet the registration standard set by that professional association. Contact your professional association for information on their registration standard. 

  • The registration standard comprises the requirements to list on the HASANZ Register as a workplace health and safety professional. These requirements cover qualifications, experience, continuing professional development, ethics, good character and insurance. They include application requirements (which need to be met by individuals at the time of applying) and ongoing requirements (which need to be met on an ongoing basis to maintain HASANZ registration).

  • The registration standard is particular to each member association, recognising that the knowledge and skills of its members are distinct from those offered by other professions. Talk to your member association about the process for achieving the required standard.

  • HASANZ member associations check the competence of the individual, and HASANZ checks the systems used by the member associations to do so. 

    The HASANZ Governance Group, including representatives of all of our member associations, has jointly agreed a common framework for registration standards. However, the diversity of professions means we can’t have a “one size fits all” approach to measuring competence. 

    Within the common framework, each Full Member association has determined a set of registration standards that specifies the particular level of qualifications, experience, continuing professional development, ethics, good character and insurance that is required for an individual member of their association to list on the HASANZ Register. These are jointly reviewed and approved by the HASANZ Governance Group. 

    For quality assurance, HASANZ has checked that our associations with Full Membership have suitable systems and processes in place to assess the competence of their members, manage complaints and take required disciplinary action when things go wrong.  

    All of these measures together ensure a consistent approach to registration standards across member associations. 

  • Yes. Hands-on application of knowledge and skills in your profession or area of practice is required to meet the registration standard for your member association.

  • Members must hold both indemnity and professional insurance which must be kept current during your membership to your full member association.

    In-house health and safety advisers should be covered by their employers’ insurance. You will need to check this is in place with your employer.

    You will need to agree to the Registration Statement : ‘I hold the appropriate type and level of insurance(s) required for the nature and scope of my practice’.

    If you do not agree with this statement, then you either need to get the right level of insurance prior to submitting this form or you will not be able to list on the HASANZ Register.


  • Current Full Members are:

    • The Australasian Faculty of Occupational  Environmental Medicine  (AFOEM)
    • Faculty of Asbestos Management of Australia & New Zealand Ltd (FAMANZ)
    • Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of NZ (HFESNZ)
    • Institute of Organisational Psychology (IOP)
    • NZ Institute of Safety Management (NZISM)
    • NZ Occupational Health Nurses Association (NZOHNA)
    • NZ Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS)
    • NZ Safety Council (NZSC)
    • Occupational Therapy New Zealand - Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa  (OTNZ-WNA)
    • Physiotherapy New Zealand (Occupational Group) (PNZ)
  • The gateway to the HASANZ Register for general in-house health and safety advisers is through the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) or the New Zealand Safety Council (NZSC).

  • You will have to wait until your association has Full Membership before you can apply to be on the Register. If your association has not yet applied they can do so via completing the HASANZ Membership Application Form and submitting this to the HASANZ Governance group for review.

  • You can be a member of more than one full member association on the HASANZ Register. To be eligible to list on the Register under all your full member associations, you will have to meet the registration standard set by that professional association.

  • You do not need to pay anything. It is free to be on the HASANZ Register.

  • Your HASANZ Registration will remain valid until you are either:

    • No longer a member of your full member associations.
    • You wish to be removed from the HASANZ Register.
  • No, you are not required to renew your profile annually but we do require you to review your profile at least once a year to check all your details are still valid.

  • HASANZ Requires evidence that you are eligible to be listed on the HASANZ Register such as a certificate indicating you are at the right level of eligibility or a letter of eligibility from your full member association.

  • HASANZ undertook security penetration testing of the Register system to ensure it would be a secure system for our members and our customers to use. Malicious executable files can be embedded into Word or Excel documents and would cause the system to be vulnerable to attack. Allowing applicants to upload such files would introduce unacceptable risk.


  • Only HASANZ Administrators can see the information that is uploaded.

  • Only HASANZ Administrators can see the information that is uploaded.

  • HASANZ does not keep these files. We securely delete them, but we do note in your application profile that we have viewed this file and confirmed eligibility for your request.

  • We only have a small number of specialist competencies and you do need to provide the evidence that you are eligible to claim these as a competency. We will not approve any applications for specialist competencies without the evidence being uploaded or viewed to confirm competency. The uploaded evidence will be securely deleted, and a note will be put in your profile that we have viewed this file and confirmed eligibility for your request. If you do not qualify for the competency, it will not be approved.

  • Contact us for assistance - we can change your email access for the Register. 

  • Simply log into your account using your login email address.  Minor changes do not need to be approved and they will automatically update your profile upon submission. Any other changes will need to be verified by the HASANZ Administrator and will be published once approved.

  • You can request HASANZ to deactivate your profile at any stage. Just Contact Us. Alternatively, if you are going away for a time such as on holiday and do not wish to get work whilst you are away, you can simply make yourself unavailable for work and hiding your contact details by logging into your Register profile. 

Logging in

  • The code is sent to the email address you entered into the system.  First, check that you have entered your email address correctly, then check that the email hasn't been filtered to a spam directory or junk mail folder.  You can try again by using the "Send new code" button.  If you have not received a code within five minutes, contact us. 

  • The code is case sensitive - check that you have entered the characters exactly as they appear in the email.  Do not cut and paste the characters from the email you were sent as this may inadvertently introduce additional characters, such as a space or paragraph formatting. You can try again with a new code by using the "Send new code" button.  Please note that the code does time out after 10 minutes. If your code is still not working, contact us. 

For businesses

  • No. The HASANZ Register is a free, online publicly accessible database. We want to make it easy for businesses to find reliable, quality health and safety advice and services.

  • Businesses will be able to search the HASANZ Register by using any of the below methods:

    ·         Entering a key search word, e.g., SafePlus into the freetext.

    ·         Using auto complete selections from the freetext.

    ·         Search by advisors name only

    ·         Using the Advanced Search function where you can narrow the search down by

    o   Location

    o   Availability

    o   Employment Status

    o   Discipline

    §  Asbestos Professional

    §  Hazardous Substances Professional

    §  Health and Safety Generalist

    §  Human Factors Professionals/Ergonomists

    §  Occupational Health Nurses

    §  Occupational Health Physiotherapists

    §  Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists

    §  Occupational Hygienists

    §  Occupational Therapists

    §  Organisational Psychologists


    The HASANZ Register search will yield a list of professionals who can provide the required skills and professional services, including a short profile for each.

    The Register is not a replacement for businesses undertaking their own due diligence. Businesses must still check that the person they wish to engage is right for them, as they would before engaging or hiring any new employee or consultant, for instance, by checking references and making preliminary calls to prospects to talk through their service offering.

  • The Register clearly lists the areas of expertise (disciplines) of the professionals and states which HASANZ member association they belong to. You can easily see if they are a member of a professional body or an organisation whose members provide either specialist or general services.

  • There is a robust application process that all applicants must go through to be eligible to list on the HASANZ Register.

    Workplace health and safety professionals must meet a stringent registration standard to be listed on the HASANZ Register. Criteria cover qualifications, experience, continuing professional development, ethics, good character and insurance. They include application requirements (which need to be met by individuals at the time of applying) and ongoing requirements (which need to be met on an ongoing basis to maintain HASANZ registration).

  • A person must meet strict criteria to be listed on the HASANZ Register. Every person on the register must be up to the professional standard imposed by the HASANZ member association they belong to.

    HASANZ ensures that there is consistency across its member associations in their approach to developing their registration standards as this underpins the credibility of the Register. However, the Register is not a replacement for businesses undertaking their own due diligence, in the same way they would before engaging or hiring any new employee or consultant.