Health and Safety Association New Zealand



Our HASANZ Scholarships are only possible thanks to our extraordinary sponsors.

Find out how you can become a sponsor of the HASANZ Scholarship Programme

HASANZ Scholarship Programme Brochure

Supporting great careers and great leaders

“I see it as a great opportunity to take really good skills that people have built up for many years in industry and apply them in a new way.”
Tamati Shepard, Partner, PWC

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Why PwC supports the scholarships

Horrific stats in Health and Safety in NZ
“Driving accredited people whose focus is safety and the prevention of accidents.”
Tamati Shepard, Partner, PWC

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Why Fonterra sponsors the HASANZ scholarships

The importance of health and safety at Fonterra
“We think it is really important to make sure that we have got professional benchmarks in place.”
Scott Kyle - Fonterra

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Investing in Leaders

Investing in Leaders
“We think it is really important to invest in our up and coming leaders”
Scott Kyle – Fonterra

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Why ZEnergy Sponsors the HASANZ Scholarship

Enhancing the mana of health and safety professionals

“…As a NZ company we’re interested in and committed to New Zealand Inc or Aotearoa more generally so one of the reasons we sponsored the..."

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Why qualifications are important

“….they are professionals, or they are experts, the people we can rely on to give us the right type of information or the right data..."
Julian Hughes, GM Strategy and Risk, Z Energy

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How research scholarships help the sector

“…Ultimately, we should be making decisions based on the data or based on the research that proves why we are doing some things..."
Julian Hughes, General Manager Strategy & Risk, Z Energy

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Why we need more Māori health and safety professionals

“The benefit of having more Maori trained health & safety people is that they can translate to our own communities, at the moment that translation is not cutting through"
Tamati Shepard, Partner, PWC

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Encouraging Māori representation

“…I think Maori could bring a whole range of capabilities, new ways of thinking, connection, value and values to the wider health and safety conversation in NZ.”
Julian Hughes, GM Strategy and Risk

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Hear from some of our previous award recipients

The importance of tertiary education.

“.work places are always changing, so to have that reassurance from a tertiary provider to know that I’m doing the right think is what I feel like I need.”
Sarah Voullaire, Occupational Health Nurse

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Why apply for the HASANZ scholarship?

“I applied for the HASANZ scholarship because I needed to up my qualifications”
Lesley Coubrough, 2019 HASANZ Scholarship alumni

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How the HASANZ scholarships helps

“I feel proud that I’m recognised and working in the right direction, being supported by a group like HASANZ.”
Sarah Voullaire, 20219 HASANZ Scholarship alumni

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