Health and Safety Association New Zealand


ACC Subsidies ACC Subsidies For Health and Safety Advice

Help to build a better business through ACC Subsidies & H&S Advice.

An ACC subsidy is available to help small and medium sized businesses access specialist health and safety advice from HASANZ-registered professionals.

Who’s eligible?
Subsidies are  available for businesses in the manufacturing and residential construction sectors with between 6-99 employees.

What the subsidies are for:

Residential Construction: The subsidy can help pay for a health and safety action plan or improvement activity relating to working in and around vehicles (including moving plant) and/or falls from heights.

Manufacturing: The subsidy can help pay for a health and safety action plan or improvement activity undertaken or signed off by a HASANZ-registered advisor. The plan or activity must be in the areas of leadership, worker engagement, and/or risk management.

See information on how to apply on the ACC website or get started by searching for an adviser on the HASANZ Register.

Reducing manual handling injuries- AuCom

“Our production lines involve a lot of lifting and moving of heavy products, and we had some injuries related to the way people handled product in the factory.” - AuCom NZ General Manager Rob Hooper

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Health and Safety made simple and pragmatic -Sign Foundry

“Our health and safety policies and procedures were all written out, but they sat in a cupboard and weren’t used or followed properly,” - Sign Foundry General

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Peace of Mind – Key Commercial Interiors

“We tried a number of ways to improve H&S. But whatever we did, it always came back to me to make the final decision. With no formal H&S training, I struggled to know if I was doing the right thing.”

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A Fresh Pair of Eyes- Axiam Plastics

“We’d got to the point where we couldn’t think of any other ways to improve our health and safety. So, we needed a fresh pair of eyes to start us off on a new track.” – Frank Oskam General Manager, Ax

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Getting worker buy-in- W.H.Harris

“We had issues getting staff to wear the correct PPE and we needed help to engage with them to improve compliance.” – W.H. Harris Operations Manager Mark Streeter. See how a HASANZ registered profess

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