Debbie Glendinning
Dip.OT, PGCertRehab, MOTNZ-WNA
With 30+ years as an occupational therapist in NZ and overseas, and five years as a health services manager, I've honed a comprehensive understanding of the field. Since 2005, Co-Owner/Director of AIM Ltd, delivering injury prevention and rehab services. Specializations: concussion management, vocational rehab, office safety, and workspace set-up.
Available for work
Based in location
Northland Region
Available for work in
- Auckland Region
- Northland Region
Occupational Therapy New Zealand - Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa
Occupational Therapists design and coordinate graded return to work programs. Educating clients and employers in safe work practices. Modifying the work environment to suit the needs of individuals so as to prevent or minimise injuries and ill-health. -